
Hybrid intelligence: Fact or Fiction?

For many years, scientists have been developing ways to create biological computers using brain like tissue, or brain organoids, grown in the laboratory and connected to computer chips. The ultimate goal is to create a type of hybrid intelligence, a potentially conscious entity capable of harnessing the strengths of both the human brain and artificial intelligence. Recently, they were able to connect organisms to computer chips in a meaningful way. In 2013, scientists grew the first mini-brain in a test tube, and since then, more research has combined these lab-grown brains with electronics. “Brain-computer interface on a chip is a technology that uses a laboratory-grown “brain” (such as brain organoids) coupled to an electrode chip to achieve information interaction with the outside world through encoding, decoding, and stimulus feedback. Although artificial brains capable of walking and talking are still far in the future, brain organoids will likely be a blessing to those with neurological conditions. Similar to how other brain-based interfaces (such as Neuralink’s brain-computer interface) aim to improve the lives of individuals with neurological disorders, it is also possible to graft these brain organoids onto living tissue in the brain to stimulate neuronal growth. So, while the debate still rages over whether the future will be built with human creativity or artificial intelligence, scientists are bringing these two worlds of intelligence closer than ever before.

Smells Play a Role in the Brain’s Decision-Making Mechanism

Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have discovered that scents stimulate specific cells in the brain and may play a role in rapid decision-making. Researchers have discovered a new function of the hippocampus in decision- making, showing that certain cells in the brain, known as 'time cells', are stimulated by odors to facilitate quick decision-making. By tracking the activation of these cells in response to odors. It's found that smell is a stimulus that is transmitted through the nose to send nerve signals to the olfactory bulb and to the hippocampus. The two devices are closely linked. Information is processed quickly and the brain makes a decision based on the input. The team revealed a direct link between odor, hippocampal function, and associative learning, suggesting that these cells play a critical role beyond memory retrieval, and directly influence decision-making in the brain. This study shows how rats learned to associate fruity odors with reward, resulting in faster and more efficient decision-making. The scientists focused on the hippocampus, an area of ​​the brain important for memory and learning. They knew that so-called “time cells” played a key role in hippocampal function, but they did not know their role in associative learning. The hippocampus turns on time cells to predict a decision, which would give you a glimpse into what you should remember.” “In the past, it was thought that time cells only remind you of events and time, and here we see the memory is encoded in neurons and then immediately retrieved when a decision is made.”

Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Approach to Neuroscience

A New Device Can Keep the Brain Alive for Hours without a Body, and Perhaps in The Future It May Turn into a Replacement Organ, with all The Possibilities that Entail

Scientists Had a Groundbreaking Conversation with a Humpback Whale in Her Own Language and It Could Help Humans Chat with Aliens One Day

IP Management Clinic Will Focus on Agriculture

WIPO and Sidley Austin’s Emerging Enterprises Pro Bono Program are joining forces to help Micro, Small and Medium Size Enterprises (MSMEs) who are developing solutions for the agriculture sector that enhance food security or reduce pollution, water use or carbon emissions. Companies selected to take part in the IP Management Clinic will benefit from a program of activities spread over five months, specifically designed to address their IP management needs, as determined in the application process. They will receive advice on intellectual properties (IP) management strategies and guidance on how the IP system can be used to make their products, services or business model more competitive in today’s market.
To participate, Micro or SMEs must meet some criteria like having; an innovative green product or technology and a clear business model, a technology that is relevant to the agricultural industry, at least one registered IP right, an entrepreneurial team (a minimum of 3 people), in addition to other criteria.
It should be noted that The IP Management Clinic is a program that aims to help enterprises to better utilize IP as part of their business strategies.
To participate, applicants must complete the questionnaire by April 21, 2023.

The Priorities for UN Climate Change Conference COP27

The conference that was held in November 2022, at Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, defined five priorities, which can be briefed as following; First, COP27 closed with a breakthrough agreement to provide loss and damage funding for vulnerable countries hit hard by floods, droughts and other climate disasters. This was widely lauded as a historic decision, because for the first time countries did recognize the need for finance to respond to loss and damage associated with the catastrophic effects of climate change, and ultimately agreed to establish a fund. Second, it intended to keep 1.5°C within reach, which requires global greenhouse gas emissions to peak before 2025 and to be reduced by 43% by 2030. This means the global economy must “mitigate” climate change – in other words, countries must reduce or prevent the emission of greenhouse gases to get where they need to be by 2030. Third, hold businesses and institutions to account; this new phase of implementation also means a new focus on accountability when it comes to the commitments made by sectors, businesses and institutions, so the transparency of their commitments will be a priority of UN Climate Change in 2023. Fourth, providing financial support for developing countries; finance is at the heart of all what the world is doing to combat climate change. As a result, mitigation, adaptation, loss and damage, climate technology – all of it requires sufficient funds to function properly and to yield the desired results. Finally, making the pivot toward implementation, which is an important step, because climate pledges aren’t worth the paper they’re written on if they aren’t taken off the page and turned into concrete action.

About The Journal

Journal:Syrian Journal for Science and Innovation
Abbreviation: SJSI
Publisher: Higher Commission for Scientific Research
Address of Publisher: Syria – Damascus – Seven Square
ISSN – Online: 2959-8591
Publishing Frequency: Quartal
Launched Year: 2023
This journal is licensed under a: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.